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German is an Indo-European language of the group of the Germanic languages, currently spoken mainly in Germany, in Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, as well as in Belgium and in other countries around the world. After English, German is the third most spoken language in Europe, which shows its importance in that continent and in the world.

German descends from the languages spoken in the Middle Ages in what we now know as Germany, where over the centuries it was standardized to become officially used by that country, since prior to that each region gave it a different use. It is from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with the disuse of Latin, that the German begins to homogenize. Around those days, during the sixteenth century, the texts like the Luther Bible played a significant role, becoming this important character of European and religious history, one of the first to make German a national language.

Finally, in the seventeenth century, with the unification of the country, a standard German was defined, which, however, is not recognized as an official language until 1902.

German is the language of one of the industrialized countries with the highest exports in the world, which, together with the technological and industrial development that this country has brought to the world, enhances the value of this language in the economic and commercial field, particularly in the automotive sector, among others.

At Wagner Consulting International we have a pool of linguists from all languages ​​with a significant trajectory, as well as a staff that is responsible for providing the highest quality services in the international market.


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