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To understand the positioning of content, we must talk about very important terms: search intent and organic traffic. Content marketing is becoming more and more popular inssue, within the strategies of websites, blogs and digital media. This is why the search intent is a great tool for editors to attract more traffic content by the search optimization. For its part, organic traffic uses the coincidences, matches and fidelity of the readers to find the contents.

There is no secret or tactic that expands the traffic of content, there are many possibilities and every strategy must be adapted to the needs of its audience and to an investigation that allows to meet the objectives raised. These strategies use free resources, as well as paid advertising and generation of loyalty of readers. So, by joining all these approaches, there will be more possibilities to position the contents of your website or your specific project.

To position content it is important to determine the goals, which must be measurable and realistic.To start applying this point, you can ask yourself the following questions: What will this content bring to the business?, what current channels can enhance my content?, what type of content is ideal for the objectives raised?, which channels have responded best to my content?

It is also very important to understand the actions of the audience, because the success of a content strategy requires a very deep knowledge of the public so that the brand is at the moments and places where that public is.To achieve this point, you have to identify what motivates your audience, you must have self-criticism and recognize the gaps in your content or what could be done better. You have to measure each decision or process of the strategy to define improvements and continue what is being done well, in order to position your content.

Remembering is the main goal in a content strategy, because it is about entertaining the audience, causing reactions or feelings and stimulating the consumption of a website content. That is why it is essential to use remarketing, that is to do paid searches on social networks, use influencers, to do PR with an expanded media coverage and generate exclusive content for the press and manage the social networks appropriately.

There are currently many tools that make the content strategy efficient, the paid and the organic traffic must work uniformly and not as separate strategies. Although online organic growth is difficult to achieve, it is actuallyposible to achieve.The contents generated by organic traffic contain compares, price information, explanation of the service or product: What is the product?, how to buy it?, where is it located?

Another good alternative is to make a social management with the content, to generate a community that commits to the project or the brand, so initiatives such as competitions, gifts, exclusive coupons, forums or chats to discuss, are scenarios that enrich a brand and position the content that is disseminated through the established communicative channels

As you could see in this blog, the positioning of content is an extensive subject and requires experience to activate a strategy of marketing content. The final step is to implement all these tips with collaboration of experts in Social Media. And the good part of this type of investment is that it increases the scope of the contents beyond an organic potential and allows to achieve leads for the business.

At Wagner Consulting we have a creative team of editors who generate the most amazing content. We also have designers that make executions happen and we have a team of conventional and digital marketing to create the most structured strategies of the new market. All these factors make us the leader company in solutions of translation, communication and multimedia services worldwide.


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